Miller Copeland Major E-Discovery Case Reported by WFAA

Miller Copeland secured a verdict against the world’s largest E-discovery firm, Consilio, which was found by a Fort Worth jury to have violated a Texas criminal statute.

The ABC News affiliate in Dallas reported the news, featuring name partner Rob Miller’s statement on the victory.

Jurors found Consilio negligent after the company gained access to the plaintiff’s computer and accessed a decade’s worth of emails, well beyond what she and her attorneys had agreed on. They awarded $50,000 in damages to Angelyn Olson of Maine.

“I want to thank this court and this jury, because today, they truly have provided justice for Mrs. Olson,” Mr. Miller said. “If Consilio can do this to her, it can do it to any one of us, exposing everything we’ve ever looked at on the internet, every photograph we’ve taken or received. It’s scary. And I’m glad this jury said what Consilio did is wrong.”

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