Jackson Walker Attorney Shares Pride Perspectives With Texas Lawbook

In a heartfelt reflection on Pride Month titled “My Month of Pride: Celebrations, Reflections and Allyship,” Genevieve “Gen” Graham shares her journey of personal and professional growth as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

For Gen, Pride Month isn’t just a celebration—it’s a time of profound reflection and gratitude towards allies who have supported the Houston bankruptcy attorney throughout her career.

Coming out after law school was a transformative period for Gen, marked by both challenges and resilience. She found solace in spaces adorned with pride flags and sought out allies in her Jackson Walker workplace, she wrote. The support she found was crucial in providing a sense of belonging and bolstering her professional trajectory.

“Directed allyship,” Gen emphasizes, is pivotal – going beyond symbolism to actively support and advocate for LGBTQ+ colleagues. Such support, she believes, fosters inclusive environments where individuals can thrive authentically. Reflecting on her career, Gen underscores the role of allies in amplifying LGBTQ+ voices, advocating for inclusive policies, and creating safe spaces.


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