CNN Covers Surrogacy Scandal, Highlights Shackelford, McKinley & Norton Partner

Shackelford, McKinley & Norton’s lawsuit against a Houston surrogacy escrow company received national media attention, including coverage from CNN.

The complaint says that Surrogacy Escrow Account Management LLC (SEAM) and its owner, Dominique Side, have failed to explain what happened to millions of dollars from accounts that were intended to pay for prenatal care for surrogates. The lawsuit says the funds were used for personal enrichment and to support other ventures, such as a clothing line and a career in rap and R&B music production.

The FBI is investigating the incident and is seeking to identify potential victims.

Firm partner Marianne Robak is featured in the article discussing the importance of the investigation.

“We will continue to investigate where the money went and the best course of action to hold the defendants accountable for their deceitful actions,” Ms. Robak told CNN.

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